Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well, another issue has come up!
So,d thing is I've observed a thing and I'd cite it here just for the mere fun of it.
A pretty common phenomenon(here at least in bbsr)!
The moment I sit in an auto,I look into my bag for change,count the exact amount and have it ready so that I can hand it over d moment my stoppage comes and will get out.In fact most(if not all) of my species(female) do the same.We r always ready wid the change.
PRE-SCRIPTUM:This one is getting back at you cos you wrote how we take money outta ATM in steps!
Now take d case of guys:
Step 1-They sit in the auto (ekdum maharaja style!).
When their stoppage comes-
Step 2-Get out of auto.
Step 3-Take out their wallet(from their jeans pocket wid some difficulty!)
Step 4-Look for change in the small pocket of it.
Step 5-Oops no change!Hand a higher denomination(usually 50 or 100 for Rs. 6)
Step 6-Pocket the change and go.
And in the meanwhile if we r near a traffic the traffic has already stopped so we again have to wait for our turn!
So, just imagine u wud spare ur(not so precious),our and the auto driver's precious time if u cud just look into ur pocket and b ready wid the change! So,do a favour on us pls.......
NB-The reason I wrote dis today is, I missed my train today 'cos of such incident!!!
Guy's point of view(as my bro reasoned)
There's some amount of difficulty involved in taking out money from their jeans pocket and obviously in auto where even the slightest movement of their hands will get them a glare or else a word or two from d gal sitting beside.
And the other thing is they don't have the slightest idea dat 'cos of dem someone's getting late or the traffic signal changes(It's cos de've never been delayed 'cos u know........we've change ready always!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
I got a pretty interesting comment for this:
abhinav said:
So,d thing is I've observed a thing and I'd cite it here just for the mere fun of it.
A pretty common phenomenon(here at least in bbsr)!
The moment I sit in an auto,I look into my bag for change,count the exact amount and have it ready so that I can hand it over d moment my stoppage comes and will get out.In fact most(if not all) of my species(female) do the same.We r always ready wid the change.
PRE-SCRIPTUM:This one is getting back at you cos you wrote how we take money outta ATM in steps!
Now take d case of guys:
Step 1-They sit in the auto (ekdum maharaja style!).
When their stoppage comes-
Step 2-Get out of auto.
Step 3-Take out their wallet(from their jeans pocket wid some difficulty!)
Step 4-Look for change in the small pocket of it.
Step 5-Oops no change!Hand a higher denomination(usually 50 or 100 for Rs. 6)
Step 6-Pocket the change and go.
And in the meanwhile if we r near a traffic the traffic has already stopped so we again have to wait for our turn!
So, just imagine u wud spare ur(not so precious),our and the auto driver's precious time if u cud just look into ur pocket and b ready wid the change! So,do a favour on us pls.......
NB-The reason I wrote dis today is, I missed my train today 'cos of such incident!!!
Guy's point of view(as my bro reasoned)
There's some amount of difficulty involved in taking out money from their jeans pocket and obviously in auto where even the slightest movement of their hands will get them a glare or else a word or two from d gal sitting beside.
And the other thing is they don't have the slightest idea dat 'cos of dem someone's getting late or the traffic signal changes(It's cos de've never been delayed 'cos u know........we've change ready always!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
I got a pretty interesting comment for this:
abhinav said:
Once there was loving couple traveling in a bus in a mountainous area.
They decided to get down at some place. After the couple got down at
some place the bus moved on. As the bus moved on, a huge rock fell on
bus from the mountain and crushed the bus to crumbs. Everybody on board
was killed. The couple upon seeing that, said, “We wish we were on that
bus” Why do u think they said that?
it’s not a stupid answer ——– purely logical
Come on think again……
Come on try hard…..
If they had remained on the bus instead of deciding to get down, the
resulting time delay could have been avoided and the rock would have
fallen after the bus had passed…!!! Think positive in life always and
look for opportunities when u can help others.
keep lots of change in handy to help out the guys..
moreover, it might be that all the change in ur locality gets arrued in ur jholas oops purses.